This infinity pencil with eraser replaces your traditional wooden pencil. Traditional wooden pencils write only up to around 200 metres, but this FSC® bamboo infinity pencil, has a writing length of up to around 20.000 metres using a graphite tip to produce a graphite line. Not only does it write like a pencil, but the markings can be erased. It works by leaving a graphite line on paper just like a regular traditional wooden pencil but it wears down so slowly, that it should outlast up to 100 traditional wooden pencils! Material : FSC® bamboo, Graphite Additional pen safety test, Conform Cadmium directive 91/338/EC, Conform the U.S. lead content, Conform PAHS content in Reach & ZEK 01-4-08, Conform Phtalate content, Free from short- and medium-chain chlorinated paraffins Packaging : Gift box All print codes : CO2 Engraving 1,Pad Print Low - Print code default : CO2 Engraving - barrel pen - 90 x 4 mm - max color : 1.
This infinity pencil with eraser replaces your traditional wooden pencil. Traditional wood...
This infinity pencil with eraser replaces your traditional wooden pencil. Traditional wooden pencils write only up to around 200 metres, but this FSC® bamboo infinity pencil, has a...
Crayon Sproutworld 100% durable avec un message pour une planète plus verte. Ce crayon non taillé est en bois. À son extrémité se trouve une capsule (en cellulose) qui contient des graines. Une fois que le crayon est devenu trop petit pour écrire avec, plantez-le avec la capsule dans un peu de terre. Après 2-3 semaines, les graines commencent à germer et se transforment en jolies fleur, en herbes aromatiques ou en des légumes parfumés. Choisissez parmi différents types. Le nom de la plante choisie sera gravé sur le crayon. Le crayon ne contient pas de plomb et est donc totalement sûr. Fabriqué en Europe. Matières : bois, cellulose, graines
Crayon Sproutworld 100% durable avec un message pour une planète plus verte. Ce crayon non...
Crayon Sproutworld 100% durable avec un message pour une planète plus verte. Ce crayon non taillé est en bois. À son extrémité se trouve une capsule (en cellulose) qui contient des...
100% sustainable Sproutworld pencil with a message for a greener planet. This sharpened point pencil is made from wood. Attached to the end of the pencil is a capsule (made from cellulose) which contains seeds. Once the pencil has become too small to use, plant the pencil along with the capsule into some soil. After 2-3 weeks, the seeds germinate and grow into beautiful flowers, fragrant herbs or vegetables. Choose from various types. The name of the chosen plant will be engraved onto the pencil. The pencil contains no lead and is therefore completely safe. Made in Europe. Materials: wood, cellulose, seeds
100% sustainable Sproutworld pencil with a message for a greener planet. This sharpened po...
100% sustainable Sproutworld pencil with a message for a greener planet. This sharpened point pencil is made from wood. Attached to the end of the pencil is a capsule (made from ce...